Long day. Got up around 7:45 to take a two hour bus trip to Stonehenge and Salisbury. The bus driver had a super loud, beeping GPS system, that only allowed you to sleep for so long - great drive. Stonehenge was fascinating, of course. Just mind boggling, really, picturing people 5000 years ago lugging these stones (the largest weighing 45 tons) about 250 miles and lining them up with the movements of the sun... There were a lot of ancient burial mounds in the area too, plus the drive there along the English countryside was amazing. It's a shame you can't go right up to the stones anymore though...
Salisbury was the next stop. The main attraction there was the cathedral - the tallest in the UK. It was under renovation on one side outside, unfortunately, but it was pretty incredible. Construction began in 1220 and it took 38 years to complete - it also holds one of only 4 copies of the Magna Carta - this is the highest quality one too. I won't bore you with other details, but finally seeing architecture and sculpture that one has only seen in books and on TV is just pretty goddamn amazing - tons of different thoughts and feelings just keep you in awe for every step. I can't speak for everyone though, as one kid in our group busted out his cell phone while in the room with the best preserved copy of the Magna Carta and was promptly rebuked and kicked out by an employee. We sat out in the grass for a bit taking it all in, and some "Goth" kids came and sat near the Gothic cathedral...so appropriate.
The town was quaint, with many buildings dating back hundreds of years. There were a lot of punk ass, hooligan kids roaming the streets too. A handful of 13 year old kids were near us while we were eating on the steps of the 250 year-old former town hall...two boys randomly started throwing punches and swearing loudly - they both already had many bruises and scabs on their faces...we kept our bags close and cameras away. That was just one of many groups of teens in the touristy area. But it was quaint, and nice, otherwise, with a vibrant market full of produce, meat, cheeses, and random odds & ends.
Then we had a another 2 hour, loud GPS navigated bus ride home to London. Making some pasta for dinner - thus begins cheap eating, after being taken out by our program director and going out as a group for the first two nights of dinner.
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